
Your school is a mission field...

And that makes you a campus missionary.

Think about your friends. Whoever they are, whatever they are dealing with, they need the same thing. They need Jesus! They need to know that God has purpose for them. They need to know that Jesus died for them. They need to know the Holy Spirit can give them joy, peace, and love. And nobody can reach them better than you!

Meet some campus missionaries

Their stories will inspire you!

God is calling students all over the world to make a difference for Christ in their schools. We collect stories of students like that and share them on our mobile app and on the stories page of this site. We encourage you to watch these stories and we would love to have you share YOUR story with us so we can share it with others!

So how do you do a 9 Month Mission Trip?

It's really pretty simple.


Jesus was always spending time in prayer and there are so many great ways to pray for your school! We encourage you to check out these different ideas, events, and resources.

Adopt Your School
See You At The Pole
Claim Your Campus app
Awesome Way to Pray

Ask your whole church to pray for your school! Here are a couple of ways they can do that...

Footprints on Campus
Prayer Zone Partners
Moms in Prayer


Jesus cared about people in amazing ways. As you pray for your school and your friends, you can't help but to care about them too. Find ways to serve them, bless them, and be a great friend.

Take the Dignity Pledge
See people through God's eyes
Ideas for caring & serving


Jesus constantly shared the good news! Praying for people and caring about them usually leads to opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Here are resources to help you do that.

The Alpha Course
One Verse Evangelism
Two Ways to Live
Three Circles
The Four
Alive in Five
Life in Six Words


Find other believers to do this with you.

In 1984 Congress passed a law saying that public schools must allow religious clubs to meet on campus as long as those clubs are student-initiated and student-led. There are now 23  ministries around the country (on the home page) that help students form those kinds of clubs. Let us know what state you are in using the form below and we can connect you with several campus ministries near you!

Some tools to help you...


Our favorite thing to do is collect stories of students like you and share them to inspire others. See the stories!


Our free prayer cards are the perfect way for you and your group to start praying for friends.
Request prayer cards


Follow us on Instagram to see what God is doing with students nation-wide. Follow @9monthmissiontrip


We are beginning our new podcast in the summer of 2025. Watch for it on our podcast page.


We have videos you can show to your youth group or the club at your school and more.
Download the videos


Our annual student guide is a paper booklet (PDF you can print) that gives you all you need for a great year. Download the PDF!

Special Events

All through the school year there are special events happening nation-wide that will help you make the most of this school year. Those include...
  • See You At The Pole
  • Fields of Faith
  • Bring Your Bible to School
  • Dare 2 Share LIVE
  • Christmas Party Outreach
  • and more!

G0t questions? Need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.