9 Days to Begin Your 9 Month Mission Trip


"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:8 (NIV)

Before Jesus left this earth, He gave His disciples this command to be His witnesses - to tell others what they had seen and heard. He told them to start right where they were - Jerusalem. And then they would go out into bigger and bigger circles until they reached the ends of the earth. And this command of Jesus still applies to His followers today. Someday, you will leave home and go other places (who knows, maybe you'll go to the ends of earth!) - but what about now? Where is your Jerusalem? We believe that your Jerusalem is your school. It's the place where you are right now and you are not there by accident. God has you in your school at this time for a purpose. Each day that you go to school is an opportunity to be his witness - to tell others what Jesus has done for you! What words come to your mind when you think of school? You might think of academics, sports, friends, stress, drama, band, or something else. Have you ever thought of your school as a mission field? Or as a mission trip? Your school is full of people who need to hear about Jesus. That makes it a mission field. And if you are Jesus' witness in your school that makes you a missionary. And that makes this school a 9 Month Mission Trip. Serving God isn't something that happens in the future - it's something that God wants to do with you right now where you are!


“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)

The truth is being a Christian at church is easy. Really easy. One of the best tests of anyone's faith is this - can we shine the light of Christ in places where it's really dark? Jesus says in Matthew 5:14 that His followers are supposed to be the light of the world. Lighting up the world is not causing others to see us - no, we are shining brightly so that people can see Jesus! What does that look like? Matthew describes shining our light as obeying God's commands, refusing to hate people, giving to the needy, loving our enemies, storing up treasure in heaven, trusting God for all that we need, and taking care of our own mistakes before pointing out the mistakes of others. It's easy to do all of that in church - but the people who really need to see what Jesus is like are the ones in the dark, the students in your school. They need someone to show them, not just tell them, but really show them this new way of life that Jesus lived and taught us to live. Our question today is - will you shine the light of Jesus in your school? The light shines brightest where it is darkest! What would Jesus be like if He went to your school? You might be the best opportunity for students in your school to see what Jesus is like! Will you be the one to show others who Jesus is by the way that you talk, act, and live at school?


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." - Matthew 5:13 (NIV)

We all know what salt does - it gives more flavor to the food we eat! And before refrigerator salt preserved food so it could be eaten later. Christians are not meant to be bland and boring! We are not meant to just go with the flow! Christians should add some flavor to the life of your school - your friends should notice that there is something different about you! Just before these verses Jesus tells us what being salty tastes like. His followers are humble. They are peacemakers. They are merciful. They are pure in heart. They are meek. They hunger and thirst for righteousness. The bless those who persecute them. Do those things describe what life at school normally looks like? Not at all! So when you come along living like Jesus you give people a taste of who God is and what God is like. Psalm 34:8 says "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Do students in your school realize how good God is because of how you live? And remember salt does one other thing - it makes you thirsty. Living a salty life should have the affect of making others thirsty for God's power and presence in their lives. And Jesus promises to give living water to those who need a drink! Unfortunately, the way some Christians behave is more like putting salt in an open wound - don't be the kind of Christian who hurts people who are already hurting. Be the kind of Christian in your school who draws others to the One who can cleanse and heal those wounds. Who can fill the empty hearts of the hungry and thirsty.


“And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” - Matthew 4:18,19 (NKJV)

Most people agree - when Jesus went looking for his first disciples, the ones he called to follow him were unlikely candidates. They weren’t religious. They weren’t popular. They weren’t unique. They weren’t leaders of anything. They were just regular people doing regular jobs for a common sort of life. But then Jesus told them that if they followed him, their ordinary lives could have a bigger purpose. Jesus often does that. He often takes a job, a talent, or a passion that we are using for earthly purposes and re-purposes that for a heavenly cause. Fishing is quite the hobby now - some people spend a LOT of money on it. But for those first disciples it was their job that fed their families. But it just so happened that their ordinary job was a perfect illustration of the calling that Jesus had in mind for them - catching fish would become a metaphor for catching people! But whereas fish are caught,  killed, cooked, and eaten, the people Jesus wanted to catch would be forgiven, healed, made alive, and join the cause. Whatever talent you have, whatever job you are doing, whatever career you may be heading toward, Jesus is an expert at taking that and using it for the Kingdom of God if we choose to follow Him. By the way,  do you know where you often find fish? Fish frequently are found swimming in schools! Your school is full of people who are going to be caught by something - caught up in temptation, caught up in a full schedule, caught up in drama, or caught up in something else that will keep them from experiencing the life God wants to give them. Why not catch them for Jesus?


"And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15 (NLT)

There is so much bad news in our world today. It seems like something awful happens every week. People out there need some good news! And the great thing is this - we have some VERY good news to share! We have HOPE in what feels like a hopeless world. But we cannot keep that hope, that good news that God loves us and cares about us, to ourselves. We need to let other see the hope that we hope. But when they see the hope we have - the joy, the peace, the freedom, the life that God gives - chances are good, they are going to ask us about it. They might be say something like...

"Why are you so happy?"
"How do you have such a good attitude?"
"What is it with you?"

At those moments, we need to be ready to share, as Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15, the reason for the hope that we have. And of course, the reason for our hope is Jesus! Students in your school need to hear the good news that God loves them unconditionally. They need to hear that Jesus died for them and rose from the dead so they can have eternal life. They need to hear that the Holy Spirit can come and live inside of them so they are never alone ever again. We have so much good news to share! Unfortunately Christians have a reputation for being judgmental and sometimes even hateful. But nothing could be further from the truth. This world is full of bad news, including the fact that a person who rejects God can't experience God's good news because God coming to love us, rescue, transform us, and take us home is the good news! Some people will in fact reject God's good news. But that doesn't make it any less good. And there are some who will receive that good news gladly. If we tell them.


"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:35-38 (NIV)

By this time we hope you are excited about your school being a place where God wants to use you to make a difference in people's lives! Hopefully, you are being salt and light in your school and you want to share the good news with students in your school. So... how do you do that? In this passage of Matthew, Jesus lays out three things that need to happen to reach people. Jesus is going around Israel sharing the good news of the kingdom of God (vs. 35). When he sees the crowds of people coming to see him, he cares deeply about them because they are wandering aimlessly through life (vs 36). Then He commands his followers to pray this prayer - "ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field." We see Jesus calling for PRAYER, demonstrating CARE, and wanting to SHARE the good news with everyone. And those are the same three things we encourage you to do in your school. Pray for the students in your school who are harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd and pray that the Lord will send workers, including yourself, to them! Care about them - be compassionate toward them and try to meet their needs. And when God gives you the opportunity, share the good news of the Gospel with them. In Luke chapter 10 Jesus sends his followers out to proclaim the Gospel in the towns and villages around them. Part of following Jesus is doing the things that He does. And just like He went out sharing, caring, and praying, we are to do the same. Think about this - how many students in your school have ever had someone pray for them? Probably not many. How many students in your school feel like someone cares about them? Some do for sure. But a lot don't. And how many have never had anyone sit down and share the Gospel message with them? Chances are very few. Your school is the perfect place to follow Jesus in this way.

"“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,..." Luke 4:18 (NIV)

When you think about the students that you know, how many of them are lonely? Probably a lot. How many of them are depressed? How many of them are anxious or fearful? How many of them are confused? How many are hurting? How many are stressed? How many are angry at life or angry at someone in their life? Most likely you know people, maybe even your closest friends who fit into these categories. When Jesus first announced the beginning of his ministry, what He had come to earth to do, He described His mission as proclaiming good news to the poor, proclaiming freedom for prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, setting the oppressed free. You may not know people who are experiencing those things in a visible, tangible way. But you almost definitely have friends imprisoned by fear, or oppressed by anxiety, or blinded by anger, or in relational poverty. Jesus cares about what is happening on the inside of us as much as he does about what's happening on the outside. And he came to bring forgiveness, healing, and freedom for all of us. One time a man was brought to Jesus to be healed of his paralyzed body - but Jesus first told him "Your sins are forgiven". Why? Because a heart paralyzed by sin and the effects of sin is worse than a paralyzed body. He then healed the man's body too, but the point is that Jesus wants to change us from the inside out. As you walk down the halls of your school each day, realize that you are walking by people diseased by sin, paralyzed by fear, blinded by insecurity, plagued by anger, deaf to wise words, and cancerous with greed. But Jesus is the hope, He is the freedom, He is the healing, He is the life that they need! His forgiveness of their sins opens the door for them to experience life the way it was meant to be lived. And everyday that you walk through the doors of your school, you bring that hope with you like a great treasure in a jar of clay. The students in your schools desperately need what you have! Will you share it with them!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 (NIV)

John 3:16 - the most well known verse in the whole Bible. We know very well that God so loved the world. But have you ever thought about this? God so loves YOUR SCHOOL! Think about that. Our friend Lee Rogers has written a book called "God so loved __________" in which he invites you to take this challenge. Think about the different groups of students in your school... and then put those words in front of that group. For example, God so loved the athletes in my school that he gave his one and only Son for them. God so loved the theater cast and crew that he gave his one and only Son for them. God so loved the freshman class that he gave his one and only Son for them. God so loved everyone who rides my bus in the mornings that he gave his one and only Son for them. You get the idea. God loves the students in your school. All of them! He loved them so much that He gave His Son to die for them AND he sent you to them to share this great message! Isn't that powerful? You living for Christ and sharing the good news of Christ is your school is one of the big ways that God is showing His love to your school. And before we TELL people about God's love we need to SHOW them God's love. WE encourage you to find ways everyday to show people that God loves them so that you can tell them that He loves them. You know how it is - you're much more likely to believe something that you can see than something you can't. So let your friends see God's love through you. Throw a party for the football team. Bring some food to the cast and crew of the musical. Do a big welcome event for the freshman class. Pass out donuts to everyone on your bus. Here's the big secret that you need to know - showing people that God loves them can actually be a LOT of fun! So be creative and have fun showing the love of God to students in your school. And then tell them about it!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19,20 (NIV)

Jesus' last words before going back to the Father in heaven were what we now call The Great Commission. The followers of Jesus, all of them including you and I, are commanded to go, make disciples, baptize, and teach new followers of Jesus. The whole reason you are even reading these words right now is because for the last two thousand years followers of Jesus have taken these words seriously and done exactly as Jesus said. They made disciples, who made disciples, who made disciples, and now here you are reading these words. Why? Why would they do that? Because of the Great Commandment - Jesus said the two most important things in life are to Love God will all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Because we love God so much and love those around us we continue to obey this command to make disciples. But please notice - this command WAS NOT GIVEN TO JUST ONE PERSON. All of the followers of Jesus are commanded to do this. We are not alone in this Great Commission - in fact, we must not do this alone! If you are going to make this school year a 9 Month Mission Trip, don't  do that by yourself! Find others in your church and at your school who can do that with you! Jesus said that the greatest evidence that we are followers of Jesus is that we love our fellow followers of Jesus. He prayed that we would be one in heart and spirit as He was one with the Father. We are not meant to follow Jesus or fulfill His commands alone. We are a body, we are a family, we are a team! Who's on your team with you? Who is going to your school with you to be salt and light, to pray for, care about, share Christ with your fellow students? Who is helping you show God's love to everyone in your school? Find others to join you on this 9 Month Mission Trip - it will be far more amazing than you could ever have imagined if you do! Because God meant for it to be that way.

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